Amanda Mainville

Director of Client Relations

About Amanda Mainville

Amanda has played a pivotal role in client relations; she specializes in transitioning new clients into supported Motorlease clients, ensuring they feel confident and cared for. Amanda continues to work with Motorlease’s largest fleets to provide deep insights into the challenges and opportunities during onboarding. For Amanda, making a difference and staying nimble to support fleets and drivers isn’t just part of the job–it’s a personal commitment.

Amanda enjoys hearing success stories and building lasting relationships with fleet managers and drivers, which are central to the company’s identity. As an active member of WIFM and AFLA, Amanda stays at the forefront of industry developments, continuously finding ways to grow and innovate. She is excited to see how Motorlease continues to evolve and expand its offerings, solutions, and support for the companies and drivers who rely on us for fleet management. Outside of work, Amanda enjoys spending time with her family and exploring new ways to stay connected with her community.


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