Joe Pelehach

Vice President

About Joe Pelehach

For 35 years, Joe Pelehach has fully immersed himself in Motorlease’s mission to do “whatever it takes.”

As Vice President, Joe primarily oversees business development and the Motorlease customer experience. Joe is passionate about problem-solving and utilizing the appropriate stakeholders to ensure client issues are addressed as efficiently and effectively as possible.

He is driven in his work by the client relationships he has nurtured and the faith his customers have in Motorlease. Joe takes great pride in the organization and ensures that he and his team are living up to their values and making the client’s journey as seamless as possible. He loves finding and being the solution for customers who experience problems or difficulties and removing the barriers that may come between their operations and goals.

Focused on providing the highest level of service to clients and employees alike, Joe enjoys coaching his team to embrace Motorlease’s values. He is fulfilled in his work when he has the opportunity to “share the spotlight” and lift others up.

A seasoned leader in the Fleet Management and Automotive industry, Joe has been a member of NAFA for 30 years. He is incredibly proud of the several Motorlease awards he has received throughout his tenure. Most notably, the Daniel A. Leary Award, demonstrating that he continuously lives up to the Motorlease promise.

A graduate of UCONN and a Bristol native, Joe is an active member of his community. Serving on the Board of Assessment Appeals in Canton and an involved participant at his Church, Joe’s passion for community is prominent in his life outside of the office. Along with his incredibly supportive wife, he is a proud father of three kids who bring him great joy. Joe likes to stay physically active; whether tending to his yard, playing golf, tennis, or cycling, you are likely to find Joe on the move.


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