
Motor Vehicle Report (MVR)

Put simply, a Motor Vehicle Report, or MVR for short, is a report card for your driving history.

The amount of information disclosed on an MVR varies by state. Some states keep records for as few as 3 years while others go back for as long as 10 years.

Typically, an MVR will show license information, information on driving violations and crimes, and other driver related information.

Some things to expect to see on an MVR are:

  • License Number
  • Expiration Date
  • Full Name
  • Date of Birth
  • License Restrictions
  • Height/Weight/Gender
  • Hair/Eye Color
  • Issue Date
  • License Type
  • Accident Reports
  • Traffic Violations
  • License Suspensions
  • Vehicular Crimes
  • License Points (if applicable in your state)
MVRs are usually kept only by the state in which you are licensed. There is no national MVR database.
Depending on your state, certain items on your MVR may be expunged after a specified amount of time.
Example) Your state may remove speeding violations after a period of 3 years, however a DUI may remain on your record for 10 years.

Why Are MVRs Important?
If you are an employer who has people on the road, it is imperative to ensure that your employees are safe and trustworthy drivers. This is not only important for their safety and the safety of others, but it is an important step in mitigating potential liability risks. Companies who don’t appropriately vet their drivers are potentially leaving themselves open to negligent entrustment claims.
Most companies will run an MVR check on any potential driver prior to hire. While that’s a good start, it’s often not enough, as a lot can happen after an employee is hired. Many companies are now making it a habit to run annual MVR checks on all of their employees who operate vehicles in the course of business. In some cases, companies are even utilizing a service that allows for continuous monitoring for new violations.
Doing so could help illustrate to a court that the company has done, and continued to do their due diligence when putting people on the road.